Women In Hollywood: Warriors from Within
Recorded LIVE at Digital Hollywood with Jerri Lynn Hogg
July 21st, 2018
Jerri Lynn Hogg, Director of the Media Psychology PhD program at Fielding University joins Holly for a conversation about virtual reality and where it’s taking us. From educational environments that we can now create, to augmented and virtual spaces, we ask the questions of how are we changing as we become more connected this way and how is technology influencing us? What are the ethical implications of following a 12 year old girl around a Syrian refugee camp and how do these new “realities” affect us with their ability to harm or heal? Part of the Women in Hollywood: Warriors from Within series, captivating short profiles of courageous women making Hollywood great in the here and now, recorded live at this year’s Digital Hollywood Conference.
Be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss the other episodes in this series, Women In Hollywood: Warriors from Within - bite sized profiles of the luminous and courageous women making Hollywood great here and now.
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Jerri Lynn Hogg is a media psychologist, director of the Media Psychology program at Fielding Graduate University, 2015 President of the American Psychological Association’s Society for Media Psychology and Technology, co-creator of Fielding’s Certificate in Brand Psychology and Audience Engagement, and co-author of Mad Men Unzipped. She integrates her passion for branding, augmented/virtual reality, technology, and digital environments with research to advance the understanding of the positive use of media and technologies and their physical, cognitive, and emotional impact.
Dr. Hogg recently spent six months working with the U.S. Department of Defense Global Operations on an anti-terrorism simulation using narrative psychology to degrade and counter terrorist messaging in Iraq, Syria, and North Africa. Her current focus is on brand psychology strategies; augmented and virtual environment design solutions; and narrative messaging for positive change. Find her on Twitter @HoggJL.
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